The Latin word doctor means teacher. The word physician is derived from the Greek word physis which means nature. The true doctor teaches how to return to Mother Nature's Ways. Blessings on Your Sacred Journey!
eBook published in 2022:
Harmonious Healing: Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times – a
750-page resource book – applies ancient principles and practices to Current
Events! {Available as e-book only for the time being, as research comes to a
conclusion.} It has such a lengthy Table of Contents, the preview ends midway
through Chapter 10 considering various odds & ends which will Bless
Your Sacred Journey! Harmonious Healing:: Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times by Robert Anthony Kreucher | BookBaby Bookshop 💗🙏🥰
Details of the original book published in 1998:
Details of the revised original book published in 2008:

There's a lot in cyberspace lately about reconnecting with the Divine Feminine, whether it's women or men, or the Planet itself - reconnecting with Gaia. To really get radical here... to get to the root of the matter... if we are going to reconnect with the Divine Feminine, it is imperative to reconnect with the Divine Mamma! I'm not being facetious here... consider this...
Some words take their origin from their sounds... it's called onomatopoeia - like splash, cuckoo, etc. or a combination of words - like babbling brook... and so it is with the sounds an infant makes while nursing - hence the Latin word for breast: mamma. The very picture of a nursing mother invokes feelings of nurturing, protection and compassion. All mammals have those feelings, be they elephants or bats, pigs or cows, dogs or cats. As an example, cattle ranchers speak of the lowing or moaning {that goes on for hours, if not days} on the part of the mother as well as the calf when they are separated - as happens in the production of veal.
Now, please consider... literally con sidera means: to sit with the stars and mull it over... if a cannibal is "one who eats it's own species" ... how can we hope to restore the Divine Feminine, the Divine Mamma while feeding on the flesh of other mammals? Some cultures eat dogs and others probably eat cats... since we call them our pets, we find this abhorrent, repugnant, unthinkable. Yet we call swine: pork, and cattle: beef... and cannibalize them!
To get to the Heart of the Issue - restoring the Divine Feminine, restoring compassion on Mother Earth - how can we avoid the fact that Peace on Earth begins at Home, especially in the kitchen. As long as we have blood on our cutting boards, we will continue to have blood in our streets - as well as violence toward women, the human embodiment of the Divine Mamma.
Hmmmm, much of this does make sense, it is evident our society is suffering from over indulging on everything except what is good for our hearts and bodies. Will do more research, thanks
I think of what's natural. Not much is natural anymore, the earth is soaked with chemicals, plastics, and pollution. Where do we really begin? Do we lay low, grow gardens in our back yards, and try to live as harmoniously as possible, or is it time to stand up and gather together and take assertive action? We are being poisoned by our food supply, and it much more than just eating meat or not. Yeah we should all consider not eating as much meat or maybe none at all. But how did much of our species survive without eating animals. Commercial farming and ranching need to end and all should cut back on meat consumption, but to never eat meat. Doesn't seem right to me. Hunting and foraging was a good practice and was necessary for survival, were they wrong to do that. The problem is since the industrial revolution population growth has skyrocketed. There are simply too many people on the planet, and she will rebalance when the time is right. If there were less people then maybe we could learn from our history and embrace living symbiotically with the planet and it's inhabitants. Anyway total babble and tangent. I just think its unfair to say that meat creates violence,etc. I grow veggies, care for bees, have chickens that I get eggs from, and eventually butcher for stew meat when they no longer produce eggs. I'm a steward of the earth and animals, have a deep respect for anything that I kill to eat, and feel very good about these practices. Am I not worthy because I occasionally eat local, sustainable, fully loved and nurtured animals? Then where do I draw the line? Is it ok to milk a cow or goat, or is veganism the only true path, but then I can't use the sacred honey anymore either,hmm, I just don't know. But yes let's cut out commercial farming and start organizing on local levels to provide food and goods to one another that's done organically, sustainably, and respectfully.
Smile~ Caress~ Breath by Sacred Breath~ Swallow the Nectar of Vitality~
Smile~ Caress~ Breath by Sacred Breath~ Swallow the Nectar of Vitality~
Yes, I'm aware of the quandary that we all face: Be the best version of YourSelf You can. Rather than too many people on Planet Earth~ too many people living too close together, too far removed from Mother Nature!
As far as whAt to eat? Organic for sure~ raw &/or vegan when possible~
@ 83 yo, I've adopted a Buddhist philosophy: when invited to eat, I graciously and gratefully eat what is consciously prepared with Love. "I am so Blessed. My Life continues to be One Blessing after anOther!" Remember all-ways: Your attitude toward Life determines Life's attitude toward You!
Dear Anonymous~ and to All the Other Anonymai "out there" wondering about optimal fOOd for Heart~Mind~Body~Spirit... please consider this documentary on regenerative agriculture: "Kiss the Ground"! about the importance of healthy soil in the environment, regenerative permaculture, edible forest, veganism... Saving the soil is saving ourselves. Cause and effect of monocultures and desertification of the land; chemical fallow, erosion, and difficulties in storing water and micronutrients in the soil. Narrated by Woody Harrelson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aywr5n4Fkvw
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